Deep Fried Sweet Potato Balls

Happy Easter everyone !  It sure has been loads of trials and tribs.  Painting, building, cleaning and generally setting up from scratch we are at last in our own place.  The biennial moves have come to a halt and we can settle for the long term. Well, we will see what happens at the 18month mark, that is usually when the boxes started appearing about the house.

I attended a Vietnamese Cooking class in Brisbane yesterday, and have to say, if you are either in Brisbane or travelling to, you should allow yourself 4 hours to complete on of the classes available at Taya Kitchen Culinary School, honestly is really worth the time and investment, and sure was loads of fun.  I have to say my fave of the day was the Pho Go – Chicken Rice Noodle Soup with Fresh Herbs. Wow !!

Since I am not really much of a dessert connoisseur, I think it is time for me to experiment a little more, so, here we go.

Deep-Fried Sweet Potato

  • 500gm Sweet potato
  • 1 cup Rice Flour
  • 60gm Brown Sugar
  • 125gm crystallized fruit – cut into small cubes
  • 60gm sesame seeds , lightly toasted
  • oil to deep fry (Rice Bran or something light like this)
  1. Cook the potatoes in boiling water for 20 minutes until tender
  2. Drain, remove and peel
  3. Mash flesh and beat in flour and sugar.
  4. Stir in the crystallized fruit.
  5. Dampen hands with water and roll the mixture into small balls
  6. Coat each of the balls with sesame seeds
  7. Heat oil in a deep fryer
  8. Cook each ball until golden brown, this could take 7-8 minutes
  9. Drain on kitchen paper. Serve hot.



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